Friday evening, 28 November 2008 at 6:30 pm:
a talk by Prem Rajaram: „Human Rights: What is it and why does it matter?”
The topic of „human rights” has become so widespread that we continually hear appeals made in this name in response to both extraordinary and everyday events at an increasing frequency. How can we make sense of all this and what importance should we place on this issue nowadays generally? This talk will look at different conceptions of human rights and how these rights can be restricted for particular groups. From this a framework will be presented for better relating to this issue in light of current developments.

Prem Kumar Rajaram
is the Head of the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the Central European University. His work is principally on refugees, irregular migration, citizenship and concepts of political community.
Worldview Cultural Café is a cultural program in the Bahá’í Center in Budapest every Friday at 6:30 pm. Come examine, consider and celebrate our world with us every Friday evening from 6:30 with film screenings, talks on various key topics, literature readings, music, art exhibit openings, ethnic culture evenings and more!
Address: (Budapest, Ferencziek tere 3., bell #27). The Bahá’í Center is located near the crossing of Károlyi Mihály and Curia streets.
All programs are bilingual (Hungarian and English). Admission is free.
More information: call Andrew 30/3189120
asinger56 [at] gmail [dot] com

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