Welcome to the Hungarian Bahá'í Community!

For more information about the Bahá’í Faith in English, please visit: Official Website of the Worldwide Bahá’í Community

Email: info@bahai.hu


Telephone / WhatsApp: Angelika +36306542787

Facebook / Messenger: magyarbahai


Address: Magyarországi Bahá’í Közösség
1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 3. II. em./4.


National Bahá’í Centre: 1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 3. II. em./4. (near the crossing of Károlyi Mihály and Curia streets, opposite the MOL BUBI bicycle station; 2nd floor/door nr. 4., on the right; doorbell #27).

Visiting time: Monday 8:00-13:00, Wednesday 8:00-16:00, Thursday 8:00-16:00

Give us a call before you visit to make sure you find us here.

Telefon: Edit +3612664004

There are community-building activities in Budapest at Városmajor (Instagram page), Ferenciek Square and other locations in Hungary such as Gödöllő, Szeged and Szentendre.

Email: You may email directly to the larger communities: Budakeszi , Budapest , Gödöllő , Jászberény , Miskolc , Sárvár , Szeged , Szentendre

The major Bahá’í communities are shown on the map at the bottom of the page.

Data of public interest

Hungarian Bahá’í Community

Registered church by Budapest-Capital Regional Court (Fővárosi Törvényszék által nyilvántartott egyház)

reg. number: 01-10-0000002

seat: 1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 3. II/4.

Tax number: 19287582-1-41

Technical number for donating religious 1% income tax (only within Hungary): 0310 (technikai szám, egyházi 1%-hoz)

Hungarian Bahá'ís and their friends in Szentendre

Hungarian Bahá’ís and their friends in Szentendre

'Abdu'l-Bahá in Budapest with His companions, hosts and journalists in front of Hotel Ritz (Published in Érdekes Újság, 10 April 1913)

‘Abdu’l-Bahá in Budapest with His companions, hosts and journalists in front of Hotel Ritz (Published in Érdekes Újság, 10 April 1913)