The Hungarian Bahá’í Community is organizing

its yearly Summer School

this year at

Leányfalu from 22nd to 27th August 2013.

The purpose of every Manifestation of God is to effect a transformation in both the inner life and external conditions of humanity. And this transformation naturally occurs as a growing body of people, united by the divine precepts, collectively seeks to develop spiritual capacities to contribute to a process of societal change.“

Ridvan message 2012.

It is exactly to this development of spiritual capabilities that we would like to invite you, your dear family and friends in our Summer School at Leányfalu. Besides recharging our body and soul, the tools which will be instrumental to preparing children and junior youths for shaping the future society will emerge through presentations, workshops and thinking together, and everybody will be offered an opportunity to find one’s exact place in the process of the building of the World Order foreseen by Bahá’u’lláh.

The venue of the school is:

Fortuna Hotel, Leányfalu (Móricz Zsigmond út 169.)
26 km-s from Budapest by the Road No 11. For more information on the venue please visit this website:
(You will get more detailed information on how to get there at a later time.)


Full board: 26 Euro/person/day. (Accomodation+three meals)
Separate daily meals 15 Euro/person (breakfast 3 Euro, supper 7 Euro, lunch 5 Euro)
Accommodation between age 3 and 14 is 7 Euro person/night, the prices of the meals will depend on the age of children.
Up to 3 years both accommodation and meals are free.
(There is a possibility to order vegetarian food.)


You can register by filling in this Exel registration form.
Please send the form  to the following e-mail address:  bnyi2013[[at]]gmail[[dot]]com
Deadline of application and payment of deposit:  15th May 2013., registration is valid only in case the deposit is paid by the given deadline.
The Bahá’í Community has an agreement with the Hotel based on the number of applicants this is the reason of the early date of registration and the need to pay of deposit.

The amount of deposit is:

Half of the expected due full payment/person
The remaining amount of accommodation and food can be paid at arrival to the person in charge of registration in HUF.

How to pay the deposit:

Via bank transfer:
To the account of the Hungarian Bahá’í Community:
11705008 20474069 (Magyarországi Bahá’í Közösség)
Please indicate as a remark:’summer school’.
In case of late registration individual needs are not guaranteed to be taken into consideration!
More information will be sent at a later date. Should you have any questions please turn to the National Secretariat.
Looking forward to receive your registration and to see you at the Summer School!

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