Friday evening, 9 January 2009 at 7:00 pm:
Visiting Canadian folk singer and musician Aspen Switzer performs in this very special exclusive concert in Budapest. Come have some tea and cakes and enjoy Aspen’s inspiring songs about love and life – joined by a local surprise guest or two – as we kick off this season of the Worldview Café. Fresh off her new CD — „Humble but bearing no apologies” — and before her winter tour of Canada, Aspen’s songs are sure to warm your heart. A wonderful way to spend your Friday evening.
Worldview Cultural Café is a cultural program in the Bahá’í Center in Budapest every Friday at 7:00 pm. Come examine, consider and celebrate our world with us with film screenings, talks on various key topics, literature readings, music, art exhibit openings, ethnic culture evenings and more!
Address: (Budapest, Ferencziek tere 3., bell #27). The Bahá’í Center is located near the crossing of Károlyi Mihály and Curia streets.
All programs are bilingual (Hungarian and English). Admission is free.
More information: call Andrew 30/3189120
asinger56 [at] gmail [dot] com

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