Friday evening, 3 October 2008 at 6:30 pm:
a talk by Judit Manno: Muhammed Yunus and the theory of micro-credit.
Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Prize winning founder from Bangladesh of the Grameen Bank, has seen micro-lending banks established in over 100 countries, lending to 100 million families. He is now on a mission to see that ‘social business’ – business designed to meet a social rather than a financial goal – becomes the next global development. Come hear a presentation by Judit Manno with discussion on this remarkable initiative that is re-shaping world economics.

Worldview Cultural Café is a cultural program in the Bahá’í Center in Budapest every Friday at 6:30 pm. Come examine, consider and celebrate our world with us every Friday evening from 6:30 with film screenings, talks on various key topics, literature readings, music, art exhibit openings, ethnic culture evenings and more!
Address: (Budapest, Ferencziek tere 3., bell #27). The Bahá’í Center is located near the crossing of Károlyi Mihály and Curia streets.
All programs are bilingual (Hungarian and English). Admission is free.
More information: call Andrew 30/3189120
asinger56 [at] gmail [dot] com

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